A Brief Report to the Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College Trust UK

We thank God for His many blessings, all the more appreciated during the prolonged difficulties consequent upon the pandemic. To Him be all the glory.

For many months during lockdown students were not permitted to attend College. We are thankful to Samuel Mungujakisa, College’s IT guru, who facilitated virtual communication. Tutors were able to continue teaching on a platform similar to Zoom. Students persevered to overcome the challenges of network, data, power and electronic gadget. Of course, it was not ideal and we rejoiced when teaching resumed face to face In November 2021, even if those faces for obvious reasons were masked! A joy and delight of College is the community life and sustained daily worship.

We are thankful that two cohorts of students graduated with either a certificate or a diploma in theology. Staff were impressed particularly with those students who leave to be ministering in conflict regions. Our South Sudanese students still await peace in their nation to escape the brutal hardships of the refugee camps. Meanwhile they serve faithfully in exile. We are always encouraged to received positive reports from parishes where AJLTC alumni are working.


We are immensely thankful for the surprise gift of a new library, courtesy of the generosity of the Korean Church. We express our appreciation to the funding churches, to Revd Paul and his wife Rebecca and to the Revd Barnabas who is managing the project. His team of workers have hit the ground running and the new building is appearing at a fantastic pace. Three bishops broke the ground to initiate the venture. Nevertheless, the building has highlighted a local problem: there is not sufficient water in the aquifer for construction and for the needs of the local community. Please pray!

A building project always gives concrete expression to our faith. Our vision is for more. Our wish list includes a dedicated chapel, a state-of-the-art computer suite, refurbished dormitories, a kitchen, a dining room, staff housing on campus, new toilets and bathrooms, water harvesting and water treatment. We therefore value our partnership with the UK Trust. A big vision requires a big pro-vision. Please pray!



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Revd Sandra Earixson has postponed her now overdue retirement to ensure a smooth succession of leadership at College. We cannot say much right now but there is a potential candidate, an ex-patriot, who we hope will visit Gulu in the New Year. We do crave your urgent prayers about this, for the person of God’s choice to clearly hear God’s call and respond affirmatively. The latest coronavirus variant makes travel unpredictable and potentially expensive for those who must quarantine at the government’s pleasure. So there are many practical matters to be covered in prayer in order that the vital Kingdom work of training Ordained and Lay ministers to be academically equipped for such a time as this and to be formed with that Christian character that belongs to the new age launched by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We recall that AJLTC was the vision of Janani Luwum to train men and women, clergy and laity, to be leaders of conviction and character, courage and competence, for a missional church.


College welcomes all students who love the Lord Jesus, display a willingness to learn and possess a servant heart. But recruitment is a challenge. The pandemic has left many churches in poverty. And other theological colleges are also energetically recruiting. Please pray for God to send those students He wants to AJLTC.

Thank you so much for your partnership in this mission! May God bless you richly.

Revd Malcolm Pritchard
