Bobi Parish received 3 Million Uganda shillings and the money was used for plastering, putting of 3 doors and 4 windows, to the right is the photo of the house nearly coming to completion. When I visited the site, the borehole had broken down making it difficult for the school children and the community around to have access to clean drinking water.

Bobi church

Lelaobaro Parish received 4 Million Uganda Shillings and the money was used for Building the over beam as can be reflected in the photos to the right. This is a new Parish that was created from Bobi Parish to decongest the Church in Bobi but also to bring the Church nearer to the community of Lela-obaro.

Lela-Obaro church - side photo
Lela-Obaro church - front photo

Lakwana Parish received 2 Million Uganda Shillings of which the money was used to put five windows being seen clearly on the church building.